June 2024

We had a very entertaining and soulful "Desert Island Discs" meeting in May. It was entirely spontaneous due to Mandy having to cancel due to an urgent appointment but, as Sally said, it was "God led".

For next month, Sally has kindly agreed to host the party at her new house. I have attached the list of food so far. For those who weren't at the meeting, please just bring what seems appropriate. I am away for a while prior to the party and so please contact Sally if you have any questions. Sally will be inviting the guests we discussed.

April 2024

I was sorry to have missed the April meeting but Sally told me that Lynda gave a most interesting "Lenten Walk" talk. I also missed the Mothering Sunday service but Wendy said that the service went very well and the posies were very well received.

Unfortunately, I am unable to make the May meeting and I know that a few other members won't be there either. I decided to speak to Mandy Williams to see if she could reschedule and she has kindly agreed to move her talk to the June meeting when there will hopefully be more of us in attendance. I've updated the programme and put a craft meeting in May. I thought you could make a start on poppies if you wanted to. Here is the pattern. If you want to do something else though, it's up to you.

Also, just a reminder that there is a Deanery Service at Mancetter on 17th May at 7pm. I return from holiday that day and I shall be going, so if anybody wants a lift, please let me know.

There is also a Diocesan Members Day meeting at St John's Kenilworth on Monday 20th May, 10am to 1pm. If anybody wants to go to that, I shall be going and would be happy to give a lift from my house if you can get to Bedworth. Again, please let me know.

March 2024

Thank you to Guy Willcock from the Leprosy Mission who gave a very interesting and informative talk.

We will be providing posies as is our custom for our Mothering Sunday service on 10th March. Several of us will not be here for the service but we seem to have a reasonable number for the making of the posies. We will meet in the conservatory at 10am on Saturday 9th. If you have any greenery, please bring some. I have some rosemary. Wendy is bringing daffodils, foil and ribbon, I am bringing labels, elastic bands and milk and Sheila is bringing kitchen roll.

Our AGM will be on 27th March at 2pm in the library. Sheila has kindly agreed to be secretary. If anybody would like to be Branch Leader, I would be happy to stand down. I have exceeded the 6 years which is authorised by MSH.

Heather is not available for the AGM but she has kindly provided the accounts for last year. We have since bought some Bible stories for Baptisms and so the balance is now £149.96, of which £48.02 is left from last year's President's Challenge money.

The main objective of the meeting will be to complete the programme for this year. Please bring your ideas. Heather has done an excellent job of completing the Coventry Diocese Mothers' Union speakers list and I have published the topics without speakers names on the Coventry Diocese MU website.

This is the agenda and here are last year's minutes.

February 2024

I think we had quite a useful discussion at our January meeting regarding what we want to do as a Mothers’ Union branch. It should provide useful background information for our AGM in March. Please note that the March meeting is a week later than usual on 27th. Can I have a volunteer for secretary for that meeting please?

Please invite friends who are interested in the talk from Guy Willcock from the Leprosy Mission. It would be good to have a good turnout.

Sally, Lynda, Heather and myself attended the Candlemas service which was held at Heather's Church in Fillongley an Saturday 3rd February. It was lovely!

I chaired the Deanery meeting at Exhall on Monday 5th February and Heather attended as Deanery Treasurer. We came up with a programme for the year which you will find on the covmu.org website under Nuneaton. You will see that we are hosting a Deanery Service in October.

We are planning to make posies for Mothering Sunday as usual.

December 2023

I hope you all enjoyed our Christmas party. Olwyn took a great photo!

Wendy, Lynda and I enjoyed the Advent Service at Coventry Cathedral.

We made quite a few baubles for the Christmas Prayer Tree. I haven't had any feedback on the success or otherwise of the prayer tree. Please let me know if you hear anything.

You can see photos from these events on the Gallery page.

Thank you to those of you who donated to Mothers' Union Christmas Appeal in lieu of Christmas cards. I have paid the £20 which you put into the tin at the party to the Mothers' Union, as agreed with Heather.

Our AGM is not in February, as I stated last month. It is in March because we have a Speaker from the Leprosy Mission in February. I have started a draft programme for next year where you can see the events for the next 3 months.

I am wondering if we should return to meeting in the library next year as we only moved to the conservatory because of the pandemic. In any case, we will meet in the library in January as I want to use the projector and so we can decide then.

We have about £100 of President's Challenge money left and we are supposed to return any we have not spent at the end of the year. I think Karen would be OK with us keeping it if we have plans for it. We only have a few copies of "My very first Bible stories" left for baptism children and so I propose ordering some more when they are back in stock at mueshop. I have asked to be informed when they are back in stock as their price of £2.99 each is much cheaper than anybody else's. If anybody has any other ideas as to what we should spend the money on, please let me know.

November 2023

The Diocesan Advent Service is on Monday. Please see the poster on the Diocesan website for details.

At our last meeting, we discussed our Christmas party. I have put together a list of who is bringing what.

I have purchased a 7' 6" Christmas Tee from B&Q using our Presidents Challenge money to be used as our Community Christmas Prayer tree. Thank you to everybody who made " baubles" for people to add to the prayer tree. Heather is making a "Community Prayer Tree" banner to display with the tree and I have made a bauble with the message "Given in Love by Hartshill Mothers' Union". It's not very good. If anyone wants to make a better one, please feel free.



At the last Deanery meeting, I volunteered to organise the Deanery Candlemas Service on Saturday 3rd February at 11.30am. I thought I just volunteered to book a room but that turned out not to be the case.

It will take the form of a short service with candles followed by a "bring your own lunch" and hot beverages. Unfortunately, the community centre is not available and so Heather has kindly booked Fillongley church meeting room. I'm considering this to be "our service" and so I hope you will all attend if you're free.

On Saturday 10th February, Stacy is involved in a Marriage Preparation Course at St Nicolas. She has asked for help from the MU Deanery with catering; soup and cakes and serving. If anybody would like to help, please let me know.

We will be having our AGM in February. In anticipation of preparing the programme for the year, I would like January's meeting to be a discussion of what we want to do as a Mothers' Union branch; including how much involvement we want with Mothers' Union initiatives at Worldwide, Diocesan and Deanery level.

November 2023

Apologies that I was unable to attend the October meeting. I was sorry to miss Felicity's talk but I was please to hear that there was a good turn out and I will hopefully catch it another time.


For those who are interested, there are a few Deanery and Diocesan events coming up in October:

On Wednesday 4th October, there is the Diocesan Business Meeting from 6.30pm to 8pm via Zoom (details TBA).

On Saturday 14th October, there is Members' Day which is organised by the Diocese at St James', Styvechale. (details TBA)

On Wednesday 18th October, at out branch meeting, Felicity Hawke will be talking to us about the Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer. (Lynda and Sally are on refreshments).

The following day, on Thursday 19th October at 2pm, there is our Deanery Service at Exhall.


July 2023

Thank you all for organising our Summer Party which we and our visitors enjoyed very much.

As we don't meet in August, we have tried to finalise arrangements for our September visit to Coventry Cathedral. There are 13 of us. I think that is the most we can accommodate!

Currently Going (with car allocation)

Nick, Jan, Wendy, Frances (Nick driving)

Sheila, Rachel, Lynda, Heather G. (Sheila driving)

Sharon, Joyce, Gill(Sharon driving)

Sally (driving)

Sue (going by train)

Please liaise with your driver to sort out details.  I don’t have Joyce’s email and so, Sharon, can you liaise with Joyce please?

The nearest car park is Salt Lane.

The weather forecast is for rain currently but hopefully that will change!

We will meet at the welcome desk at 1.45pm.  If the tour is 1.25 hours, we should make it to Alfred’s Cafe at the Herbert art gallery for last orders for refreshments at 3.30pm.

I still haven't had a brilliant idea for a craft activity in November and so any suggestions would be welcome. I do, however, have a flicker of an idea!


June 2023

I was away for the June meeting and so thank you to Sheila for this update.

"We all had a very enjoyable time doing a Quiz on "names of cities and towns in the UK" followed by an MU members' "Beetle Drive", both organised by Heather. Jan and Wendy provided excellent refreshments and we closed with the MU Prayer. We  also had chance to chat and arrange the refreshments for the MU Summer Party next month.
Sharon Robinson came as a visitor and decided to become a member which is good news!"

May 2023

Thank you to Wendy and Lynda for representing Hartshill at the Deanery Service at Attleborough.I attended the Eucharist at the Quiet Day at Berkswell and you can see a few photos on the news page of the new Coventry MU website (That's my crafty way to get you to look at it.)

I was away for the May meeting and so thank you to Sheila for this update.

"We had an enjoyable afternoon hearing about the work of Mary Ann Evans Hospice from Rachel Hailey, Community Engagment Officer based at the Hospice in Nuneaton. Rachel spoke about the centre and the facilities it provided together with the eight Hospice shops operating within the area. These provide much needed income together with donations and bequests. They are not currently holding direct fundraising events although they are very grateful for the many organisations that do events both sales and sponsorship events.

The money raised help them to provide daily activites at the Hospice plus care within peoples homes via the End of Life Care Plan. They also provide a counselling service which can be one to one or by group sessions. Rachel Hailey also shared some anonimised stories which were very moving." We ended the meeting with refreshments provided by Rachel and Sheila followed by a period of prayer. After the meeting we presented Rachel Hailey with a £20.00 donation from the Sunshine tin plus individual donations to support the work of the Hospice."

April 2023

Thank you to Wendy O'Brien for leading Deanery Prayers at Hartshill. There were 12 of us, including 7 members from Attleborough and Exhall and it was most enjoyable to share prayers and refreshments together.

There are several things MU going on in May. Apologies that, although I had planned to be there for all of them, I will be away for all of them.

The first is our meeting on 17th. We will be welcoming Rachel Hailey, Community Engagement Officer at Mary Ann Evans Hospice, who will be giving a talk about the work they do and this will also afford opportunity to discuss what we can do to help to make items for fundraising. I notice that I omitted to nominate someone to lead prayers. Any offers please? Sheila and Rachel are on refreshments. Heather suggested that, rather than giving Rachel a gift, we give her a donation from our sunshine tin. We currently have £20 in our tin. If this is acceptable, we need to decide how much to give.

On the 18th, we have a Nuneaton Deanery Service at Holy Trinity, Attleborough at 7pm. I hope that some of you will be able to attend. A lot of work goes into Deanery Services and they are always very enjoyable. I know that Wendy and Lynda are hoping to go.

On Monday 22nd, it is Members Evening at Stoke, St Michael from 6.30 to 9pm. Emma Crick de Boom will be talking about the Difference Course - with particular emphasis on reconciliation. Jane, Anne and Rosie will have returned from Kapsabet, no doubt with plenty of exciting news to share also.

Unfortunately, Mandy Williams who was planning to speak at our June meeting is no longer able to make it as she will be at their refuge in Azerbajan. I'm not here for that meeting either. Does anyone have any ideas for a replacement activity please?

We have our £250 from the President's Challenge fund. We have purchased Bible Stories and printed stickers to go inside them. Thank you to Vikki for designing the stickers. The first one will be given out this Sunday.

We have also purchased printed labels to go into knitted and sewn items. If anybody would like any, please let me know.

There is plenty of money left and so please prayerfully consider what use we can make of this money in the spirit of the President's Challenge.

The spring edition of Link Up will be distributed on Members' Evening and it will say that there is a new website at covmu.org and so that is my challenge for the next couple of weeks!

March 2023

Thank you to Stacy for her enjoyable talk on her faith journey. I particularly enjoyed hearing about the activities of the Churches in the United States. If anyone knows where we can hire a lion from, please let me know and I'll inform the PCC!

Thank you to everybody who contributed to our Mothering Sunday service activities; posy makers, cake makers, servers and purchasers. We raised £65 for "Make a Mother's Day".

Our programme for 2023 is now complete. I have posted a copy at the back of the Church. I will also print some copies off and add them to our display which I am leaving at the back of the Church for another week.

Sally's daughter, Vicki, has kindly agreed to design an insert for the Bibles which we talked about for Christening babies. I am sending her the relevant information.

Don't forget that there is a Lady Day service at Mancetter on Monday 27th March at 11.30. If anyone would like a lift, I have space in my car, just email or phone me.

February 2023

Thank you to those of you who attended this month's AGM and to Sheila for taking the minutes.

Since the meeting, Sally has asked Stacy if she would come to talk to us about her journey at the March meeting and Stacy has kindly agreed.

Our programme for 2023 is now almost complete.

We will be making posies to distribute at the service in the Conservatory on Saturday 18th March at 10am. I will bring 100 daffodils, Lynda will bring foil, Sheila will bring kitchen towel and elastic bands.If you have any greenery, please bring it. I will bring some milk on Saturday. There is a craft fayre in the hall from 1.30pm but I don't think that should affect us.

We will also be doing a cake sale in aid of Make a Mother's Day after the service. As before, we will sell cakes to eat on the day and also cakes to take home. If you feel able to make a cake or several small cakes, it would be much appreciated. I've sent an email to Nick to add it to the notices for the previous 2 Sundays. On Mothering Sunday and I'm also intending to do a little MU display at the back of the Church in the hope of soliciting some interest in MU membership.

Carol and Julie are on the rota for refreshments and I saw no reason to change that but I have let them know what we are doing.

I attended the Diocesan Office Holders' meeting on Monday 27th February. I'll give you an update at the next meeting.

Coventry Mothers' Union website is currently not attached to its website address but you will currently find it here.


January 2023

Thank you to everybody who participated in the Christmas Party. I am sorry that I wasn't able to be there but I have been told that it was great fun.

Nuneaton Deanery celebrated Candlemas at St Peter's Mancetter last Saturday. Thank you to Sally for your talk. It was a lovely service and quite well attended. Thank you also to those of you who provided cakes for the Marriage Preparation at St Nicolas on Saturday.

I have a Deanery meeting on Monday 13th February and so I will have some feedback from that at our AGM on 15th February.

I know that a few of you will not be able to attend February's AGM but, if you are not coming, please let me or someone who is attending know of any thoughts on what we should be doing this year. You can see the draft programme so far.

See Agenda and Minutes of last meeting.


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